饰品+技能/script PetDefensiveMode()
/script PetAttack() /script if UnitExists("target") then CastSpellByName("奥术射击(等级 1)");end
饰品+狼嚎+急速射击+瞄准/script UseInventoryItem(13);
/施放 瞄准射击(等级 6)
跳放冰冻陷阱/script UseInventoryItem(13);
/Cast PetSpellByName("嚎叫 (等级 4)"); /施放 急速射击 /施放 瞄准射击(等级 6)
/script U=UseAction Jump() /施放 冰冻陷阱(等级 3)
标记+照明弹宏/施放 猛禽一击()
/施放 反击() /施放 猫鼬撕咬() /script local T; for i=0,15,1 do T=UnitDebuff("target", i); if (T and string.find (T,"Trip")) then break; end; end; if (T and string.find (T,"Trip")) then CastSpellByName("摔绊(等级 1)"); else CastSpellByName("摔绊(等级 3)"); end
技能判断宏(如宁神射击)/Script if(UnitIsEnemy("player","target"))then CastSpellByName("猎人印记") else CastSpellByName("照明弹");end;
收宠+驱散射击/script local T; for i=0,15,1 do T=UnitDebuff("target", i); if (T and string.find (T,"XXXX")) then break; end; end; if (T and string.find (T,"XXXX")) then CastSpellByName("宁神射击");
/Y 我已成功释放宁神射击,下个猎人准备! else jump(); end
假死+陷阱/script PetPassiveMode()
/script PetFollow() /施放 驱散射击
最原始抽筋宏/script TargetLastEnemy()
/script PetPassiveMode() /script PetFollow() /script ClearTarget() /施放 假死 /施放 冰冻陷阱(等级 3) /script TargetLastEnemy()
一拖二宏#show 稳固射击
/petautocastoff 闪电吐息 /施放 [target=pettarget]杀戮命令 /施放 [pet:风蛇,target=pettarget]闪电吐息 /castsequence reset=3 稳固射击,!自动射击 /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
智能生存宏#show 稳固射击
/petautocastoff 闪电吐息 /console Sound_EnableSFX 0 /castsequence reset=5[target=pettarget, exists]杀戮命令,!自动射击,!自动射击,!自动射击 /cast !自动射击 /cast [pet:风蛇,target=pettarget]闪电吐息 /cast 稳固射击 /console Sound_EnableSFX 1 /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
BB打图腾的宏#show 稳固射击
/console Sound_EnableSFX 0 /施放 !自动射击 /castsequence reset=3/combat/target 稳固射击,稳固射击 /施放 奥术射击 /施放 [target=pettarget]杀戮命令 /施放 [target=pettarget]闪电吐息 /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear() /console Sound_EnableSFX 1
/petattack [target=战栗图腾][target=图腾] /petattack [target=风怒图腾][target=图腾] /petattack [target=地缚图腾][target=图腾] /petattack [target=根基图腾][target=图腾] /petattack [target=灼热图腾][target=图腾] /petattack [target=法力之泉图腾][target=图腾]
假死影遁喝水宏#showtooltip 威慑
/stopcasting /cast 威慑 /cast 灵猴守护
/petstay /cast [nostealth] 假死 /castsequence [nostealth] reset=20 Purified Draenic Water(水的名字), 影遁(种族特长)
射击爆发宏# showtooltip 狂野怒火
/cast 狂野怒火 /stopcasting /use 大地之击(首饰) /stopcasting /cast 急速射击
肉搏宏/use 大地之击(首饰)
/stopcasting /cast 急速射击
猎人标记 宝宝攻击/cast 猛禽一击
/castrandom 猫鼬撕咬, 摔绊
稳定射击宏/cast 猎人标记
标记上BB/castsequence reset=3 稳固射击, 自动射击
/castrandom [target=pettarget,exists] 杀戮指令, 爪击
近战宏 字串8/cast [harm] 猎人印记;照明弹
守护切换宏# showtooltip 猛禽一击
/castsequence reset=5 猛禽一击,摔绊,摔绊,摔绊,摔绊 /castrandom 猫鼬撕咬,反击 /cast 自动射击
猎人近战宏/castsequence 雄鹰守护,猎豹守护
/施放 猛禽一击()
/施放 反击() /施放 猫鼬撕咬() /script local T; for i=0,15,1 do T=UnitDebuff("target", i); if (T and string.find (T,"Trip")) then break; end; end; if (T and string.find (T,"Trip")) then CastSpellByName("摔绊(等级 1)"); else CastSpellByName("摔绊(等级 3)"); end